I somehow managed to get tackled during my last TOUCH rugby match. Some guy though it would be a good idea to run straight towards me at speed while I thought it would be a good idea to hold my position on the tri line. The good news is that they didn't score on that possession (we still managed to lose the game), that I walked away from the incident, and that the guy apologized repeatedly. The bad news is I came away from that game with a jammed finger, a bruised knee, and a scratched shin. I'll spare everyone the pictures, but my finger is still probably twice the size it should be. So much for touch, eh?
I do think that I gained a bit of respect from me team that night. It hurt, but there was no way I was not walking that one off...
I do think that I gained a bit of respect from me team that night. It hurt, but there was no way I was not walking that one off...