Let me start out by asking how long you think it would take two otherwise intelligent engineers to realize that having a balcony means balcony furniture, which means cheap chairs from the hardware store ($15 AUD with beer holder!).

This is what Brendan used to sit on (to work at the desk that he got off of the curb in front of our building). Yes, it is the hutch to the desk that he got off of the curb in front of our building.
Thanks to our brilliant breakthrough though, we have not had to sit on the floor of our apartment or the deathtrap of a hutch for the last few days. And in case any of you are thinking about how silly we are, why did no one suggest this to us earlier?!? 6 weeks! That is how long it takes!
In other news our stuff was delivered today!


This is Brendan sitting at our table (actual table elevated above the floor) before eating dinner (chicken, rice, and vegetables that were cooked in cookware other than the infamous 3 pots). Brilliant!

There were a few casualties from the move. But, when you think about your entire life being MIA for 2 months, things could have been a lot worse. Crazy enough, the thing I was most excited about: dressers!