Where I last left off blogging, I was in a countdown of our final weeks living in New Zealand (so we thought). I never got around to writing or posting countdown weekends #4 (Wellington), #3 (Waiheke), #2 (Dunedin), and #1 (Easter 2013). (From memory, they were all fantastic!) Worse than that though, I never posted anything between Easter 2013 and the most recent Easter 2018. Our journey took us to Seattle for the years in between. Our time there was no less worthy of a blog, but work seemed to take control and we lost some of the life balance that allows for things such as blogging. Easter 2018 just passed and we are back in the land of the long white cloud. Not for a blog of course, but in search of the lifestyle that accompanies it (in short). Welcome back!
beautiful extreme (google: 'Australia & poisonous'; image search: 'Australia & outback') unique from any place i've ever seen similar to every place i've ever seen simple and laid back difficult and uptight lonely eye-opening ... Closing thought that is completely unrelated: my current career is cool. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6471241.stm