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Showing posts from July, 2009

grilled cheese and wine

Yeah, I went there for dinner. In other news, I let an aussie sytlist cut my hair today. All I can say is 'whoops' and good thing it will eventually grow out. The good news is I think he took about 12 years off of my age. The bad news is that I look like I'm 14 again! Oh, and Australia doesn't understand the word 'bangs.' I thought the stylist was kidding but it turns out he really had no idea what I was talking about. The word here is 'fringe.' I'm not sure how to make that plural though so instead of 'I have bangs now' perhaps it is 'I have fringe?' Or 'I've been fringed?' Whatever the saying is, I have it/them now and headbands may be my new best friend until it/they grow(s) out. I must say though that the salon I went to (Room 53 in E. Brunswick) was good. I parted with far too much money and am not entirely sure that I signed up for what I walked out with, but everyone was friendly, there was free coffee, and the sham...

Australia is...

beautiful extreme (google: 'Australia & poisonous'; image search: 'Australia & outback') unique from any place i've ever seen similar to every place i've ever seen simple and laid back difficult and uptight lonely eye-opening ... Closing thought that is completely unrelated: my current career is cool.

massive sea creatures and and I wonder how big they are in Queensland?!?